Monday, December 3, 2018

I am reopening my blog
Trying something different. Hope to get the bugs out by the end of the year so I can have a good fresh start by January 1, 2019.
Let me know if you see me.

Friday, April 14, 2017

Transformed in the Spirit

I started a new blog on Facebook. I will also have tags on Instagram, Twitter, and Tumblr.
Once a month I will bring a collection of posts here.
See you soon.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Foraging for survival

I have tried to learn about edible native plants since I was in my late teens and taking a series of Botany classes. My professor was very enthusiastic about the California natives that grew all around the campus of our newly built college. Besides the basic info about plants and all their classifications, he led us on hikes up and down the canyons. We had to identify different plants and had to reproduce accurate drawings as well as collect small samples for preservation. He also led us on field trips specifically to discover the edibles and the medicinal plants. I had and kept several complete textbooks that I used on camping and hiking trips. In the last couple of years I have lost those books as well as field guides for identifying rocks and minerals,  shells, and so forth.
What I'm lacking in current books I'm going to library to find the information I need.
Now I'm living in the desert south of Tucson and learning about the high desert plants that grow here.
There are many other seniors living in the desert south of Tucson who have limited means and an interest in permaculture and preparedness. 
I'm looking to find you and work together to be more successful in surviving with a great life quality.
How about it. Do you hear my call? Let me know where you are and ee can work together.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

New Opportunities

These days I am spending a lot of time trying to find ways to make a business that will help keep me housed, fed and comfortable. I know how to do a lot of things, just finding the focus would be helpful.

Lately, the things that are taking up most of my time are: helping several people develop business plans; working on two other families genealogy, plus my own; creating some organization in my crafts/sewing/quilting supplies in order to make some items to sell.

Oh, and did I forget to say that I'm also working hard at developing new networks of friends around the country, no, around the world.

So what is the result? Lots of hours on the internet, many hours searching through my storage boxes, looking for things I thought I still had, yes, those boxes are a challenge.

Meanwhile, I have been able to take advantage of some access to fruits and vegetables that demands I either freeze, dehydrate or can the items I can't eat immediately. So I'm getting on that google search thingy and finding some new recipes for using lots of fresh produce, like 5 lbs of brussels sprouts! Having lost most of my recipe books and kitchen equipment recently, I am now down to making do and finding new ways of being frugal and practical at the same time.

I also took three classes on starting a community garden, helped a friend look for salvagable metals for his business, and so on.

It's all about frugal living, being oriented towards recycling, sustainable farming, permaculture, and everything else I can find to make do more with less.

Are there others out there like me, who worked hard for a living, and now find themselves single, out of work and struggling to make ends meet. I think so. I actually think there are thousands of us, doing the best we can and hoping for things to get better.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

October 2011

Ya know, this is my birthday month, but that's not the reason I love October. I love the chill in the air, the smell of the trees as they turn, the fall colors on the plants, trees and people!
Lately, I have been noticing how many people are dressing for fall and seem to be making some colorful fashion statements at the same time.
Last Saturday I went to a community garden class that was held at Wild Willow Farms and Education Center.
The class was held outside. The farm is right next to the Tiajuana river and it was pretty chilly in the early morning as we began. It's a very interesting class and my plan includes gathering some other people and getting a garden going in east county. But mostly, I was fascinated watching as people got colder and colder and the sun finally peeped out of the mist. Each one moved very quietly over to the place where there was a patch of sun. Sitting on straw bales and shivvering. I came wrapped up in sweater, wide scarf, warm socks and heavy duty slacks. I was so confortable and happy to stay put and just enjoy the chill air.
There are many other things I love about October, like the various fruits and veggies that are so abundent in the gardens and markets these days.
I am a part of a food distribution program and the foods available this week were onions, potatoes, yellow wax beans, green tomatoes and strawberries. Yes! Strawberries in October. Grown locally. Yummy!
Ok, now I have to go get some out of the frig and gobble them down.
Signing off for now, catch ya later.